Week 3 of 3: Easy Yoga Skills for Mental and Behavioral Health in Savannah, GA

This image of a woman gazing at the sunset doing yoga could represent tools for lowering anxiety that a therapist in Savannah, GA could help you out with in the 31401 area code.

Welcome to the final installment of our exciting three-part series! If you haven’t yet read the first two posts, we recommend starting with the first one here, followed by the second. Now without further ado, please enjoy the third post by Water’s Edge Counseling’s very own Gabriella Lehmkuhle on blending yoga, breathwork, and meditation. Enjoy the journey!

Yoga is the simultaneous combination of three practices:

  1.  physical postures
  2.  breathwork
  3.  meditation

These practices regulate many human body systems, especially the nervous system, which is responsible for mental and behavioral health functions. In fact, there is scientific evidence supporting the use of yoga to treat a variety of mental and behavioral health symptoms and disorders, from anxiety to schizophrenia.*

The intention of this blog post is to share practical yoga skills that you can add to your mental and behavioral health toolbox. Please advise that yoga may not work or be safe for everyone. It is always best to consult with a medical professional before undertaking a new physical activity. However, each week I will only share a single basic physical posture/pose in addition to breathwork and meditation. You are the expert of your own body. Carefully exit any posture you feel is overwhelming. 

Listed below are three combinations of easy yoga poses, breathwork techniques, and meditative skills to improve your mental and behavioral wellbeing:


I recommend using a yoga mat if you have one. Otherwise, you can practice these skills on soft flooring (e.g., rug or carpet) or on a thick blanket or towel. 

Pose of Week #3

Posture: Waterfall Pose


  1. Lay on your back
  2. Gently elevate your legs, pointing your toes to the sky


  • Allow your legs to dangle softly, keeping natural bends in your knees
  • Soften your shoulders


  • Point and flex your feet
  • Wiggle your toes
  • Allow your legs to sway
  • Place a block under your hips to relieve your back and hips
  • Grab your toes for Happy Baby Pose and rock side to side
  • Tuck your knees into your chest and hug your arms around your legs
  • Use furniture or a wall to elevate your legs

Breathwork: Box Breathing

Box breathing is an easy breathing technique to practice throughout the day. Think about creating a symmetrical box with your breath. The four sides of the box are (1) inhaling, (2) holding the inhale, (3) exhaling, and (4) holding the exhale. You are going to do each of these in 4 seconds length to create a symmetrical box breath.

Box Breathing:

  1. Inhale for 4 seconds
  2. Hold the inhale for 4 seconds
  3. Exhale for 4 seconds
  4. Hold the exhale for 4 seconds

Meditation: Body Scan

A Body Scan is probably the most classic meditation tool used in Western yoga. It is essentially a self-guided toe to head scan of the body to target relaxation, one muscle at a time. To learn this meditation skill, I recommend memorizing a process like the script below or follow my guiding audio recording.

A Peaceful Place:

I invite you to close your eyes if you feel safe to do so. Find your breath. Shift your focus from the outside world to yourself, tuning out all the distractions around you. Imagine, as if, you are the only person in the area. Use your breath to soothe your body, starting with your toes. Inhale, imagine your breath flowing down to your toes. Exhale, allow this release to soften them. Inhale, flow this healing wave of relaxation through your feet to your heels and ankles. Exhale, allow your feet to rest. Inhale, flow this energy through your calves. Exhale, soften your lower legs. Inhale, restore your thighs. Exhale, allow any tension there to subside. Inhale, flow the healing breath to your hips and stomach. 

*Chandratreya S. (2011). Yoga: An evidence-based therapy. Journal of mid-life health, 2(1), 3–4. https://doi.org/10.4103/0976-7800.83251

Start Receiving Support From Therapists in Savannah, GA

Thank you so much for reading our final blog of our 3-part series on combining yoga, breathwork and meditation in Savannah, GA. Looking for more tools? Give us a call today, 912.319.5552. A licensed therapist or counselor can provide guidance, validation, and coping strategies tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. Therapy can offer a safe space to explore your feelings, fears, and uncertainties, as well as develop practical skills for managing stress, anxiety, and depression. Our team would be honored to offer support from our Savannah, GA-based practice. You can start your therapy journey by giving us a call at 912.319.5552 or emailing us at [email protected]

Other Services Offered With Waters Edge Counseling

We understand that you may experience issues with more than one mental health concern at a time. This is why we are happy to offer support with a variety of mental health services. Our team is happy to offer support with multiple mental health services including online counseling, clinical supervision, coping after a cancer diagnosis, and SCAD student counseling. We are also happy to offer therapy for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, teen substance abuse, and counseling for men. In addition, we also offer counseling for teens, child counseling, family counseling, Christian counseling, grief counseling, and marriage counseling.

Please note: While this blog is designed to help people achieve their goals, the information within each post is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice given by a licensed professional.