Are you Suffering from “COVID Fatigue”?

Woman receiving coping skills at counseling session

There is a new phrase you may have heard lately – “COVID Fatigue.” This relatively new phenomenon is described as the complex emotions of feeling tired and overwhelmed by the effects that the pandemic has had and is having on our daily lives. COVID Fatigue is real and it is difficult and it’s affecting many people right now.

You may be tired of being scared, exhausted from being isolated. You may be feeling burned out with precautions like wearing masks and social distancing. All of these emotions can contribute to COVID Fatigue.

What are the factors that make COVID Fatigue difficult to deal with?

  1. Our normal has changed in almost every area of our lives. Dealing with change in even one area of life can be challenging, but the change that COVID has brought to every area of our daily lives takes a real mental and emotional toll.
  2. The prolonged nature of the pandemic. The fact that we have been dealing with COVID since March of this year has really made the last few months seem longer than normal. And not knowing what the far reaching effects of this pandemic will be is also an added stress.
  3. Many coping mechanisms we are used to are no longer options. Getting together with friends and family to decompress, going out to the movies or to dinner, taking trips to relax and reset – many of these things just aren’t possible right now, and that is really difficult to accept.
  4. Feeling disillusioned and confused by the information overload. Everyday we are bombarded with conflicting information about COVID and about what to do and how to deal with it – this causes confusion and makes us feel overwhelmed.

How can you deal with COVID Fatigue in healthy ways?

  1. Be accepting of our reality. Making a plan and sticking to that plan can make you feel more in control of your daily life. Accept that this pandemic is happening and that they are certain things we have to deal with – once you accept that reality, there is a freedom in that decision.
  2. Exercise. This may sound simple or trite, but exercising has profound impacts on our mental, emotional and, of course, physical health. Releasing endorphins, getting fresh air and soaking in Vitamin D can all boost your mood and mental state.
  3. Talk to trusted friends and family. Discuss with your loved ones your fears, thoughts, worries and concerns – chances are they have many of the same feelings. There is a comfort in vocalizing your concerns with people you trust.
  4. Pay attention to the thoughts that are making you feel stressed and overwhelmed. When you find yourself thinking about things that are bringing you down, try to redirect your thoughts in a more positive way to things like, “I’m doing the best I can” and “I’m taking this day by day.” Give yourself a break and realize that this is a difficult time, and we are all just trying to do our best.

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If you feel you need additional support to help combat your COVID Fatigue, please don’t hesitate to call our office. We also now offer online scheduling of appointments to make it even easier for you to see and talk to one of our Waters Edge experienced and compassionate therapists. Counseling is a great way to take some of the stress off of yourself and get the tools you need for coping with anxiety and depression. We hope to hear from you soon.